
JAKARTA - The survey institute Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the results of a survey related to the electability of three pairs of candidates for president and future vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

As a result, Ganjar Pranowo, who was simulated with Ridwan Kamil, managed to excel from the pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, who was known to have officially declared a pair for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, the Prabowo Subianto pair who were simulated duet with Erick Thohir were in second place.

Anies-Muhaimin get 16.5 percent support, Prabowo Erick 31.7 percent, and Ganjar Ridwan Kamil 35.4 percent. There are still 16.4 percent who have not answered," said SMRC founder Saiful Mujani in an official statement, Friday (15/9/2023).

Saiful explained that the latest SMRC survey was conducted by telephone on September 5 September 8, 2023. The telephone survey was conducted on residents who had telephones. They represent 80 percent of voters.

Furthermore, Saiful said the respondents involved were also residents who had access to online media, and those who had access to the internet and had telephones.

"Therefore, the telephone survey can quite describe the voter's attitude and sentiment towards the declaration of the Anies-Muhaimin pair or known as the Amin pair," he said.

Saiful said the SMRC simulation was only to see how the public reacted to the Anies-Muhaimin pair after being declared. Meanwhile, Ganjar is known to have not decided who he will partner with, but from the news circulating, one of the potential is Ridwan Kamil.

Ridwan himself has met with the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarno-Putri. Meanwhile, Prabowo, one of the potential figures to become his partner, is Erick Thohir," said Saiful.

Meanwhile, Erick Thohir is supported as vice president by the National Mandate Party (PAN), the party that now supports Prabowo. Erick is considered to have carried out socialization long ago to become a vice presidential candidate.

"Of course the pair Ganjar and Prabowo can change, but at least the Anies-Muhaimin pair may be relatively stable," he said.

Saiful said that his party had never simulated Anies in pairs with Muhaimin. Therefore, it cannot be compared to whether the voter sentiment when the survey was conducted was positive or negative in the declaration of Anies Muhaimin.

"But in an individual survey where Anies faced Ganjar and Prabowo, Anies' vote was around 20 percent. This means that when Anies paired up with Muhaimin, this data shows Anies' voice has not increased," said Saiful.

On the other hand, Saiful stated that so far Anies has been supported by Nasdem, PKS, and Democrats, whose votes are around 20 percent, the same as Anies' vote in a simulation of three names.

Therefore, according to Saiful, if Anies-Muhaimin's voice is now around 16 percent, this may reflect the strength of the two parties, it could be PKB with Nasdem or Nasdem with PKS. Saiful said that the number of support was about 16 percent logical because it might reflect two political powers.

If this happens, according to Saiful, it means that Anies does not or lack independent voters, because his supporters only come from parties that carry him. Even though the parties gave their support because they hoped to get a tail of a suit from Anies.

However, judging from the provisional data, Anies has not provided a tail effect because his supporting voice is still the party's voice.

If it goes down, I can't say that. But at least (this data shows) it doesn't increase. This is a public reaction a few days after Anies-Muhaimin's declaration. The hope that the pair's voice will increase after the declaration has not occurred. If we think positively, maybe because the political machine is not hot yet and voters need time to queue into the Anies-Muhaimin box," said Saiful.

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