
JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, shared Indonesia's strategy of readiness in dealing with global uncertainty, at the World Knowledge Forum (WKF), in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, September 13, 2023. In the forum attended by experts, businessmen, and government representatives from various countries around the world, Moeldoko said that Indonesia had built resilience and even grew, and was able to take advantage of the momentum of the pandemic crisis to make improvements. Indonesia is ready to face global uncertainty despite the change of leadership even though there has been a change of leadership.' Because the foundation of its system has been built,'' said Moeldoko in his statement, Friday, September 15. In terms of resilience during the pandemic, Moeldoko explained, Indonesia implemented three main strategies. Namely, the mobilization of the health sector, social assistance programs for the underprivilegate community, and incentives of the business world to continue to move. Meanwhile, in terms of building and utilizing opportunities after the pandemic, he continued, Indonesia implemented five strategies. First, the development of human resources by utilizing demographic bonuses. Second, infrastructure development that strengthens connectivity to achieve cost efficiency. Third, regulatory reform by making Omnibus law Job Creation to encourage efficient, easy, definite, and build a fertile ecosystem for growth. Fourth strategy, Moeldoko added, bureaucratic reforms that support effective government administration, and fifth are economic transformations that depend on natural resources to become a modern economy with high added value. Moeldoko believes that with these strategies, Indonesia can move from the current position as an upper middle income state with the fourth largest economic power in 2045, namely towards gold Indonesia. In the forum, the 2013-2015 TNI Commander also said, Indonesia took the opportunity to play a role in global problems. Namely, by maintaining regional peace and building a regional resilience system through ASEAN leadership.

In addition, Indonesia is also pushing for the development of global health infrastructure and equal economic cooperation through leadership at the G20 Summit. This is a strategy that is said to have hijacked the crisis," concluded Moeldoko. World Sciences Forum or the World Knowledge Forum (WKF) has been going on since 2000. This forum gathers experts, businessmen and government representatives from various countries in the world to share ideas and learn about solutions to global problems and predict the future.

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