
JAKARTA - Moscow and Pyongyang seek to strengthen friendly ties and good neighboring relations, acting in the name of peace, stability and prosperity in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an official banquet to honor the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

"Our relationship has existed since the struggle for Korean independence in 1945, when the Soviet and Korean soldiers worked hand in hand to destroy the Japanese military," President Putin said as reported by TASS September 13.

"Currently, we are also trying to strengthen good friendly and neighboring relations, acting in the name of peace, stability and prosperity in our common region," President Putin continued.

Kremlin Leaders further said he remembers very well how during previous talks with Leader Kim in Vladivostok in 2019, he exchanged views with his North Korean counterparts on the development of bilateral relations. This visit, he said, took place in a completely friendly atmosphere.

"The extensive agenda, this program, includes visits not only to Vostochny Space Base, but also to other major high-tech clusters, industrial companies and innovation centers in Russia's Far East," President Putin said.

He recalled that this year Russia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) celebrated a very important anniversary: 75 years of diplomatic relations.

"The Soviet Union is the first country to recognize the newly proclaimed Democratic People's Republic of Korea," he stressed.

While speaking with Leader Kim, President Putin noted his colleague "firmly and confidently following the path set by leading statesmen, founders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea,manfaat Kim Il-sung, and his successor, Kim Jong-il."

"They are sincere and true friends, as well as consistent supporters in building closer relationships and ties between our country," concluded President Putin.

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