
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government is intensifying hand arrest operations (OTT) for littering in the area accompanied by the imposition of light criminal sanctions (tipiring).

"Last week we tried 31 violators of litter disposal who were caught by 'OTT'. Usually OTT is for corruption but this is for garbage disposal that is not in place," said Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta Singgih Raharjo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 12.

The OTT was carried out by a joint team consisting of Satpol PP, together with the TNI/Polri.

According to Singgih, prosecution with a tipiring sanction is the last step after the Yogyakarta City Government intensified educational efforts, socialization, and warnings to the public not to litter since January 2023.

"The first handling of prosecution has warnings, statements, appeals, and others, but has not stopped the public from violating, so we act according to the applicable regulations," he said.

In accordance with Yogyakarta City Regulation Number 10 of 2012 concerning waste management, violators can be subject to three months in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 50 million.

On September 6, 2023, a total of 31 people from 177 litterers who were caught by OTT underwent a trial at the Yogyakarta District Court with a fine of Rp. 400 thousand each.

Next, on Monday (11/9) five people littering underwent a trial with a fine of Rp. 250 thousand.

"I hope this doesn't happen again for people who violate the inappropriate waste so that the city of Yogyakarta will be more orderly," he hoped.

Singgih said that the series of actions were proven to drastically reduce the number of litterers in the city of Yogyakarta.

"For example, on Jalan Kusumanegara the decline was very dry, even only one, two were still throwing garbage there. On Jalan Ahmad Dahlan, now 'clear' no one is littering," he said.

The Yogyakarta City Government, said Singgih, has opened 14 depots and 3 waste disposal sites (TPS) that are ready to receive residual waste from the community with longer operating hours.

"There are several depots that are opened in the afternoon. This is in order to give the public the opportunity to dispose of their residual waste to the nearest depots," he said.

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