
The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has revealed the role of three new suspects in the alleged corruption case in the construction of the 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS).

The Director of Investigation (Dirdik) of the Attorney General's Office of Jampidsus, Kuntadi, said the first suspect was the Bakti Kominfo Commitment Making Officer (PPK) Elvano Hatorangan. He played a role in manipulating the study so that it was as if the project could be completed if given an extension deadline.

"Recently it has been proven that an extension has been given, in fact the work is not finished," Kuntadi told reporters, Monday, September 11.

Then, the suspect is Jemy Sutjiawan as the President Director of PT Sansaine Exindo. He is said to be suspected of handing over money to the President Director of BAKTI Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif, Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy Irwan Hermawan, Gapok Menak, and M. Yusrizki.

"(Giving money) In order to get the work of the BTS infrastructure development project packages 1 to 5," he said.

Meanwhile, the third suspect is Feriandi Mirza who is the Head of the Lastmile and Backhaul Bakti Division of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). It is said that he was suspected of being with Anang Achmad Latif of planning.

"So as a result of this act, certain providers have been won previously," said Kuntadi.

As a reminder, in the alleged corruption case of BTS Kominfo, the AGO has named eight people as suspects. Two of them are the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate and the President Director of BAKTI Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif.

Meanwhile, six other people from the private sector, namely Yohan Suryanto, an expert on Human Development (Hudev) at the University of Indonesia 2020, Yohan Suryanto, President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Gahole Menak.

Then, Account Director of Integrated Account Department of PT Huawei Tech Investment Mukti Ali; Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy Irwan Hermawan; Windi Purnama as a confidant of Irwan Hermawan; Chairman of the Standing Energy Committee Renewable Kadin and Director of PT. Prima Main Base Muhammad Yusriski.

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