
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the issue of mutilation money that caused public concern. He encouraged the Government to intensify education to the public to distinguish real money and counterfeit money.

Mutilation money itself is real money that is raided and then connected with counterfeit money to deceive the public.

"Public education about the circulation of mutilation money must be increased. The public needs to know the valid signs of money and how to report if they accidentally get mutilation money," said Puan, Monday, September 11.

As is known, the issue of mutilation money began with a video that went viral on social media where a woman claimed to have received mutilation money. In the video, you can see a piece of Rp100 thousand which was deliberately raided and tightened again. After being reviewed, the color of the money being connected looks different.

Bank Indonesia (BI) itself has asked the public to be careful and not damage the rupiah. BI also appealed to the public to continue to pay attention to the design of rupiah currency because the money that was damaged was intentionally illegal for use in transactions.

Puan encouraged BI to increase socialization to the public regarding the circulation of this mutilation money.

"It has been proven that this mutilation money is circulating. And what steps do people need to take if they receive mutilation money as is being discussed," said the first woman who served as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"Bank Indonesia and other authorities can launch a more aggressive information campaign to raise public awareness," continued Puan.

On the other hand, the public is also asked to be proactive in fighting the circulation of mutilation money. With cooperation with the authorities, said Puan, this can eradicate the circulation of counterfeit money in the community.

"If people find money suspected of being mutilation money, immediately report it to the nearest Bank Indonesia office or to the police," he appealed.

Furthermore, Puan encouraged BI to create a complaint post and exchange mutilation money. This step will make it easier for people to exchange counterfeit money for real money and minimize fear among the public that they have lost money.

"Even though BI has announced that people who accidentally get mutilation money can exchange it as long as they meet the criteria, there needs to be more intense procedures for society. A more friendly and easier procedure," explained Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also said that the circulation of counterfeit money was quite worrying. Because, according to Puan, counterfeit money can harm the community as well as tarnish the good name of the country.

"This is not only a financial problem, but also a loss to the integrity of the state's currency and can have a negative impact on public trust in Indonesia's banking and financial systems," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Puan urged the Government, especially the Police and Bank Indonesia (BI) to immediately take firm and effective action in cracking down on perpetrators of the circulation of mutilation money. With preventive measures, it is hoped that the issue of the issue of mutilation money will not drag on because it can cause public unrest.

"Make sure first the truth of the circulation of mutilation money. And if it is proven true, the Police must immediately investigate and find the perpetrators of the circulation of mutilation money. Legal action must be taken against those involved in the circulation of counterfeit money in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," concluded Puan.

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