
JAKARTA - The police have succeeded in opening the To You Whomever document or file which is one of the clues in the case of the discovery of two bodies with the initials GA and DA, suspected to be mother and child, in a house in Cinere, Depok. Apparently, it contained complaints about the family.

"It contains complaints about what happened in this family," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Monday, September 11.

The document or file 'To You Whomever' was found on a laptop in GA's husband's office.

Then, the police also found a letter from GA's room. Hengki said, the document and letter had almost the same content.

"From the two letters in the room and those in this file, it turns out there are similarities even though the context is different," he said.

Therefore, the Forensic Psychology team will investigate whether or not the letters and documents are related to the alleged cause of GA and DA's deaths. Including the matter of their relationship with their families.

"Later, forensic psychology will examine whether this was the motive and then influenced the inner attitude that caused this incident to occur," said Hengki.

On the other hand, it was also conveyed that the joint team would later carry out a crime scene investigation (TKP). The aim is to look for clues in revealing the facts in the case.

"In fact, later we will carry out a follow-up crime scene investigation. Until we are really sure what happened at this crime scene," said Hengki.

As a reminder, two bodies suspected of being a mother and child with the initials GA and DA were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok. From preliminary investigations, both of them are thought to have died since last month.

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