
Several security officers from the demonstration against the development of the Pulau Rempang area in front of the Batam Concession Agency (BP) office were injured by stone throwing. Several officers were injured consisting of officers from the Directorate of Security (Ditpam) BP Batam and the Police. They were immediately taken to the clinic inside the BP Batam office for treatment. Head of the Public Relations, Promotion and Protocol Bureau of BP Batam Ariastuty Sirait said that one of the injured victims was the main official of BP Batam, namely the Director of Security (Dirpam) BP Batam Brigadier General Muhammad Badrus. "There were about six people who were injured, both from Ditpam and from the police. One of them who was injured was the one-star general. He was thrown on the chin until it bleeding," said Tuty, Ariastuty's greeting at the location, quoted from Antara, Monday, September 11. Currently, said Tuty, some of the officers have received treatment at the BP Batam health room. "Currently being treated," he said. Until now, the situation around the BP Batam office is still not conducive. Residents who participated in the demonstration still survive around the BP Batam office area. Security officers from the TNI/Polri, Satpol PP, and Ditpam BP Batam are also still guarding with complete attributes. Not only that, tactical vehicles were also alerted to withstand residents' tantrums. It was reported that the demonstration of residents who rejected the development of the Rempang Area in front of the Batam Entrepreneurship Agency (BP) office was chaotic, Monday, September 11, 2023. Antara reporters reported that from Batam, Monday, the residents who initially carried out the action peacefully, suddenly rioted by destroying the fence.
Not only that, stone, wood, and Molotov cocktails were thrown by residents at the Batam BP office yard. Tears and water canons have also been fired at the crowd by officers.

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