
YOGYAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) conveyed an early warning that 21 sub-districts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta status were alert to experience meteorological drought.

Based on the results of rainfall monitoring until September 10, 2023, areas with drought alert status include Banguntapan, Bantul, Dlingo, Imogiri, Kasihan, Pundong, Sedayu, and Sewon sub-districts in Bantul Regency.

Gedangsari, Girisubo, Karangmojo, Ngawen, Playen, Ponjong, and Wonosari sub-districts in Gunungkidul Regency and Berbah, Cangkringan, Depok, Gamping, Kalasan, and Sleman sub-districts in Sleman Regency are also on drought alert status.

"The area with alert status experienced days without rain for more than 61 days with low rainfall forecasts below 20 mm per basis," said Head of the Yogyakarta BMKG Climatology Station Reni Kraningtyas, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 11.

"People and local governments who are in early warning areas are in anticipation of the impact of this meteorological drought," he said.

He explained that the early warning of meteorological drought was delivered based on reduced rainfall from normal conditions over a long period of time, starting from a period of months.

Based on observations of the decrease in rainfall, BMKG also maps areas with drought alert and alert status.

Areas that are classified as drought alert status because they experience days without rain more than 31 days include Nglipar, Semin, and Tepus sub-districts in Gunungkidul Regency; Girimulyo District in Kulon Progo Regency; as well as Ngemplak, Pakem, and Turi sub-districts in Sleman Regency.

In addition, there are 23 sub-districts that are alert to drought because they experience days without rain for more than 21 days with low rainfall forecasts, below 20 mm per basis (ten days).

Areas with drought alert status are Bambanglipuro, Kretek, Pandak, and Piyungan sub-districts in Bantul Regency; Galur, Kalibawang, Kokap, Lendah, Nanggulan, Panjatan, Samigaluh, Sentolo, and Wates in Kulon Progo Regency; as well as Minggir District, Moyudan, Prambanan, Seyegan in Sleman Regency.

Reni appealed to residents living in areas with alert, alert status, and alert for drought to take mitigation steps to deal with the possibility of shrinking ground water as well as forest and land fires.

Acting Head of BPBD Special Region of Yogyakarta Noviar Rahmad previously said that the local government had prepared clean water assistance for residents.

According to him, the Social Service has provided 236 tanks of clean water, each of which is four thousand liters to help residents.

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