
RAJA AMPAT - Raja Ampat Regency, Southwest Papua Province was designated as a Global Geopark by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the natural wealth of the Raja Ampat Islands. Acting Governor of Southwest Papua Muhammad Musa'ad explained that Raja Ampat Regency has extraordinary potential both above sea and under sea which UNESCO sees as one of the world's assets that should be preserved and preserved. "On this basis, UNESCO gave appreciation and recognition of the wealth of the Raja Ampat archipelago as the World Geopark," explained Muhammad Musa'ad in a statement received by Kominfo in Sorong, Antara, Sunday, September 10. The UNESCO Global Geopark Raja Ampat Certificate Award was received by Acting Governor of Southwest Papua Mohammad Musa ’ad, together with the Regent of Raja Ampat Abdul Faris Umlati received the 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geopark in Marracesh Morocco, 7-9 September 2023. Meanwhile, Geopark Raja Ampat was designated by UNESCO as UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGP) on May 24, 2023 at the UNESCO office in Paris France. Apart from Raja Ampat, the UNESCO Global Geopark certificate was given to three Geoparks in Indonesia consisting of Maros Pangkep in South Sulawesi, Merangin in Jambi and Ijen Crater in East Java. "I invite all people of Southwest Papua Province to jointly maintain the wealth that exists in the Raja Ampat archipelago," asked Muhammad Musa'ad. The Acting Governor of Southwest Papua also expressed his pride and gratitude for the awarding of the UNESCO Global Geopark Raja Ampat award. The 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geopark is an international agenda as a manifestation of the world's efforts to maintain the best sites in the world as world's wealth by UNESCO.
"Let's take care of the wealth in the Raja Ampat Islands as the world's wealth," said the Acting Governor of Southwest Papua.

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