
SURABAYA - DPW of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) East Java held an agenda for preparing for winning steps ahead of the implementation of the 2024 General Election constellation (Pemilu).

Chairman of the East Java PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Irwan Setiawan stated that the party's internal activities aim to unite its views on winning strategies, both at the East Java and district and city levels.

"Several national survey institutions place PKS in the top three. Therefore, PKS efforts in East Java must also be more optimal in optimizing and endeavoring this opportunity. Please pray for it," said Irwan as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 8.

Therefore, the event was attended by the chairman and secretary of PKS throughout East Java to follow up on "Political Update" from the PKS Central Executive Board.

Irwan said that the agenda at the central level resulted in recommendations, namely that every prospective PKS legislative candidate (caleg) was encouraged to work hard to provide services for the benefit of the community.

In addition, he continued, the legislative candidates will be instructed to regularly establish communication with various elements of society in East Java.

"In the 'Political Update', the East Java PKS also formulated the Kick off of the DPP Pilkada which there launched PKS' readiness to recruit political positions in the 2024 regional elections," he said.

He added that the East Java PKS is ready to carry figures who will later be nominated as regional heads.

"Regional heads, both at the provincial and district and city levels in East Java," he said.

Kang Irwan, as he is familiarly called, also stated that administrators at the district/city and provincial levels could accelerate the implementation of the stages of screening and screening of candidates for regional heads.

"At the screening stage, PKS can accept proposals from members from party structures as well as from the community or the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) in communicating with candidates who have appeared in their respective regencies and cities," he said.

"The DPD held a deliberation agenda and the results were proposed to the DPW, then the DPW would conduct deliberations and then proposed to the DPP through the Regional Development sector," he said.

Each PKS DPD can also register openly to obtain public proposals. Meanwhile, the proposed party structure and members must look at the character, popularity, and electability of existing figures.

"Also the results of political communication with figures in East Java and each district and city," he said.

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