
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Berkarya Party Fauzan Rachmansyah highlighted the discourse on a proposal for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections to be moved from November to September 2024. According to him, if you use the 2024 vote for the Pilkada, there will be uncertainty in its implementation later, it is different if you use the 2019 vote like the presidential election.

According to Fauzan, if the 2024 Pilkada is advanced in September, it will make it difficult for parties to carry out and support regional head candidates. This is because the results of the 2024 legislative election will certainly still be vulnerable to lawsuits. Especially if the presidential election is held in two rounds, then the situation will be more complicated and complex.

"This simultaneous 2024 election is synchronization. The regional election should also use the 2019 general election votes to make it easier for everything, such as the presidential election which uses the 2019 vote. So this will make it easier for supporting parties and supporters, without having to look at the results of the 2024 Legislative Election, which is certainly still prone to lawsuits, if using the 2024 Pilkada using the results of the 2024 vote called grusa-grusu," said Fauzan after charity activities for PAUD children at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Thursday 7 September.

According to Fauzan, if the regional elections using the 2019 vote certainly will not cause new problems related to the election disputes for the DPRD levels I and II. So that the discourse on the promotion of the Pilkada in September 2023 can be easily implemented.

"The election stage will also be easy for the KPU as the election organizer," he said.

Or other options, continued Fauzan, the presidential election that has been postponed to participate in the presidential threshold uses the 2024 general election. Thus, the elections held really simultaneously use the results in the 2024 election.

"So everything is really simultaneous, and uniform, it's just a good system. Because, it's strange, the presidential election uses the 2019 vote but the regional election uses the 2024 vote, while both are carried out in 2024," he said.

According to him, a more concise and systematic electoral system will reduce the various impacts of the noise that will be caused in the simultaneous election year. Thus, the government can continue to carry out development without serious political noise.

"Development can also be carried out in line between the central and regional governments in the future," he said.

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