
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the sharia economy, which carries the principles of justice, inclusiveness and universality, is the key in facing national development challenges.

"The development of Islamic economics and finance is an effort in responding to various national development challenges, as well as building a better world civilization," said the Vice President while attending the inauguration of the Aceh Province Regional Economic and Financial Committee (KDEKS), at Anjong Mon Mata Pendopo Governor Aceh, Banda Aceh, Thursday, September 7, was confiscated by Antara.

Sebagaimana keterangan yang diterima di Jakarta, pada kesempatan itu secara khusus Wapres meminta agar jajaran anggota penganjakKS Provinsi Aceh yang baru dikukuhkan dapat menyusun program serta kebijakan secara holistik di seluruh sektor pengembangan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah, sebagai solusi dalam menghadapi tantangan di masyarakat.

"Make the Islamic economy the answer to various real problems faced by the people, including eradicating poverty, tengkes or stunting, as well as empowering MSMEs," the Vice President appealed.

According to the Vice President, the presence oflands can play a major role in policy making and optimizing the leading sector of sharia economy and finance, especially in designing work programs and collaborating with stakeholders.

"KDEKS must be able to design strong and good program and policy buildings by cooperating with the active participation of all parties in optimizing the performance of superior Islamic economics and finance sectors," he said.

Furthermore, the Vice President emphasized the need for deep exploration of export commodity wealth in the Aceh region so that it can be lost. For this reason, he requested that investment and collaboration continue to be encouraged by highlighting the uniqueness of Aceh culture, especially in halal product innovation.

"I ask that a breakthrough in the halal certification step be carried out immediately, along with the increasing interest of the global community to consume halal and thayyib products," the Vice President ordered.

Not only that, he also emphasized the importance of investment and consistency of stakeholders in the Islamic economic sector in collaborating to increase support for facilities and infrastructure, develop MSME capacity, and adopt digital technology.

"Collaboration across stakeholders needs to continue to be expanded, including large business partnerships and MSMEs," the Vice President stressed.

In addition, the fast-growing Islamic economic and financial industry requires a concrete improvement in quality and competitiveness. For this reason, the Vice President requested that innovation in the field of halal culinary, Muslim clothing, and Muslim-friendly tourism be continuously developed by prioritizing added value for the community.

"Empower innovation and creativity that doubles added value and benefits for the people," asked the Vice President.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President believes that the inauguration of the Aceh Provincelands management will spur the pace of economic growth and Islamic finance, as well as its concrete role in society.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki conveyed the full commitment of the Aceh government as a province that implements Islamic law, runs the Islamic economic and financial sector as the main foundation of the focus of Aceh government development.

"The government and the people of Aceh have the hope that in the future, Aceh can be more prosperous by optimizing and empowering Islamic financial institutions, optimizing Baitul Mal institutions, increasing the empowerment of waqf, infaq, zakat, and alms," explained Achmad.

After witnessing the inauguration of Aceh'slands member, the Vice President then left for West Sumatra to attend the 2023 World Islamic Entrepreneur Summit (WIES) and inaugurated the Minangkabau Halal Festival.

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