JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR), Christina Aryani, regretted that there was a hacking of the DPR RI's YouTube account which uploaded an online gambling video this morning. According to him, this incident indicates that the DPR account protection system is still weak and needs to be improved.
"This can be interpreted as the DPR's account protection system is still very weak, it needs improvement in the future," Christina told reporters, Wednesday, September 6.
The Golkar Party legislator revealed that his party had discussed the specific issue of online gambling in a meeting with the Ministry of Communication and Information last Monday. However, the Ministry of Communication and Information, she said, is still hesitant to regulate it in the revision of the Constitution of Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE).
"We raised the possibility of stipulating in the revision of the ITE Law the obligation for platforms or electronic facility providers (PSE) to carry out self-filtering of content/information or electronic documents containing gambling, but it seems that Kominfo is reluctant," said Christina.
"Even though this will really help the government's work, not only take down gambling content based on cyber patrols and follow up on public complaints," she added.
Christina said that similar self-filtering had been carried out in the Rudiantara era for content containing radicalism.
Previously, the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, had confirmed that the YouTube account belonging to the DPR RI had been hacked.
"For a while, there are indications that the DPR's Youtube social media account has been hacked, that another party has logged into the DPR's YouTube account and posted online gambling videos," said Secretary General of the DPR RI Indra Iskandar when confirmed, Wednesday, September 6.
Indra said that the Secretary-General had taken steps by contacting the relevant parties to return the YouTube account belonging to the DPR RI.
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"We have taken steps, since this morning we have contacted Google Indonesia to recover the DPR's YouTube account. Google has forwarded it to Google Center to recover the account so that the account login can be used again by the DPR," explained Indra.
"Meanwhile, the Secretariat General's internal IT side is also carrying out manual recovery online from the Google system independently," he added
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