
NTB - The Mataram City Resort Police (Polresta) resolved 52 criminal cases through the application of restorative justice (RJ) during August 2023.

The Head of the Mataram Police, Police Commissioner Mustofa, explained that his party implemented RJ based on the victim's willingness not to continue the legal process.

"Of course, if the victim has received his rights, the evidence has been found, then the victim has no problem and withdraws the report not because of coercion but because of his own awareness, we can only implement RJ," he said in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, August 31, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the settlement of 52 criminal cases through the implementation of this RJ was the result of a follow-up to public reports for the August 2023 acceptance period.

"In this August period, we have revealed 98 reports with 46 of them continuing to the investigation process and the remaining 52 completed through the implementation of RJ," he said.

From this disclosure, the Mataram Police have succeeded in securing various types of evidence of criminal cases, ranging from electronic devices such as mobile phones, television monitors, then two-wheeled vehicles, and four-wheeled vehicles.

"So, in total there are 186 pieces of evidence that we managed to secure and from some of the items that we have secured, some have been missing for three years and have only been revealed now," he said.

Furthermore, Mustofa said that at the momentum of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Mataram City today, the Mataram Police held an activity to return evidence to victims of criminal cases.

"We present this activity of returning the evidence as a gift and a form of contribution from the Mataram Police in welcoming the 30th anniversary of Mataram City," said Mustofa.

To the victims of criminal cases with reports and evidence that has not been revealed, he asked to be patient and ask for support if he received information related to his case to convey it to the police.

"Please time for the victim whose belongings have not been found and ask for prayers, hopefully, we can meet and the case can be revealed soon," he said.

One of the victims who lost a two-wheeled vehicle, Wahidi Akbar Sirinawa, expressed his gratitude to the Mataram Police and the police who have helped find his vehicle.

"Thanks to the police's support, my lost vehicle a few weeks ago has now been found. Thank you, Mr. Police," said Wahidi.

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