
The head of Tanfiziah for the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Nasyirul Falah Amru, is concerned about the case of 19 students at SMP Negeri 1 Sukodadi Lamongan, East Java, who were jailed. This happened because the students were wearing headscarves without wearing a veil or ciput.

The man who is familiarly called Gus Falah assessed that although the teacher may have good intentions, suchboting actions cannot be accepted because they use an unfavorable method.

"The teacher's actions are very despicable, intimidating. Moreover, the use of ciput in the hijab is actually not required in religion," said Gus Falah in his statement, quoted on Thursday, August 31.

According to Gus Falah, the teacher should have taken a good and polite approach if he wanted to encourage his students to use ciput in the headscarf. This approach should be full of politeness and invite students to kindness.

"The teacher should have invited his students to be kind in a good and polite way, mauidhatul hasanah. In Islam, it is not allowed to do amar makruf in mungkar ways," said Gus Falah.

The son of the NU Ponorogo cleric KH Amru Al Mu'tasyim also urged the state, especially the local government, to take firm action against the teacher who carried out thebotaging action. He also emphasized the importance of attention to the psychological impact experienced by the students who were victims of this sabotage.

"I appreciate the Lamongan Education Office for attracting the teacher from teaching activities. The local government must also ensure that this kind of incident does not happen again in all schools in Lamongan," said Gus Falah.

Gus Falah expressed his appreciation to the Lamongan Education Office for taking steps to attract these unscrupulous teachers from teaching activities. However, he assessed that these steps should be improved to prevent similar incidents from occurring in schools in Lamongan.

As previously reported by Beritas satu.com, dozens of students from SMP Negeri 1 Sukodadi, Lamongan, East Java, were sacked on the front of their heads by English teachers. The reason is that these students do not wear headscarves. The incident, which occurred on August 23, 2023, is currently viral on social media.

One of the students named Salsabila who was also locked in the front of his head said that this incident made him and his friends very sad. Salsabila also admitted his mistake and promised to be more orderly in obeying school regulations.

The school actually did not approve of the action, so that in the afternoon they immediately invited the student's guardian to apologize. From the results of the meeting, the student's guardian has forgiven and did not question the incident.

The school also promised to evaluate so that such incidents do not happen again. As a result of his actions, the Lamongan Education Office has withdrawn the teacher from teaching activities.

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