
SURABAYA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin requested that the optimization of existing halal industrial areas be carried out to strengthen the sharia ecosystem and finance.

"Optimize the existing halal industrial area. Likewise strengthen the potential of East Java as a global standard halal tourism destination," said Vice President Ma'ruf in Economic Facilities, Sharia Finance, and the Inauguration of the Halal, Safe, and Healthy Culinary Zone. ITS November 10 in Surabaya reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

Ma'ruf said optimizing the halal industrial area is one of the nation's efforts to strengthen the resilience of the Islamic economic and financial ecosystem.

In addition to the halal industry, added the Vice President, the potential for East Java as a global standard halal tourism destination must also continue to be strengthened. Halal industrial areas and halal tourism are part of sharia economic infrastructure.

Strengthening Islamic economic infrastructure, said Ma'ruf, is also carried out in line with strengthening accessibility between regions, including the use of digital technology that is integrated in all Islamic economic and financial sectors.

"The acceleration of halal certification must be a common focus. I think the goal is not only to label halal as before, but to provide guarantees for halal products and public consumption," said Ma'ruf.

In the goal of developing Islamic economic and financial resilience, Vice President Ma'ruf reminded the need to encourage several efforts, namely expanding a collaborative and conducive ecosystem network.

"In collaboration with more universities, Islamic boarding schools, associations, mass organizations, media, the business and industrial world, banking, and other related parties," he said.

The Vice President encourages ecosystems and communities such as pesantren to produce mujahid or economic fighters. "Persantren, apart from the da'wah center, in addition to places that spread religious understanding, pesantren has a role for the economic empowerment of the community," he said.

The independence program that is widely known through Islamic boarding schools is OPOP or One Islamic Boarding School One Product. "In East Java it develops, everywhere there are East Java products," he said.

In addition, continued Ma'ruf, there needs to be efforts to grow innovative and creative sharia business and entrepreneurship.

"Indonesia needs entrepreneurs who are able to explore and display the advantages of regional resources, while preserving the environment," he said.

Furthermore, said Ma'ruf, efforts need to increase collective participation in increasing literacy, education and economic promotion, as well as inclusion of Islamic finance.

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