
JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) assessed that the National Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) session had been fair in imposing sanctions on Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. In fact, the decision was considered a win-win solution between the National Police and the former Head of International Relations Division (Hubinter). "We see that the decision is a win-win solution for Napoleon and the Police Institution," said Commissioner of Kompolnas Poengky Indarti when confirmed, Tuesday, August 29. The internal trial was fair because the court commission considered various things in imposing sanctions, such as, the types of violations that have been committed to the services that Inspector General Napoleon had served as a member of the National Police. In fact, one of the things that has also been considered by the trial commission was that the former Head of Hubinter was about to retire. With that consideration, the trial commission decided that Inspector General Napoleon could still be retained as a member of the National Police. "Kompolnas sees that the decision of the KKEP trial considers comprehensively, including Napoleon's term which will end in November 2023," said Poengky. The KKEP Police decided that Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte was guilty. Then, the disanction of ethical violations in the form of mutation administrativeism was demotion for three years and four months. Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte was declared violating the provisions of Article 13 paragraph (1) Government Regulation (PP) Number 1 of 2003 concerning dismissal of members of the National Police juncto Article 7 paragraph (1) letter b, Article 7 paragraph (1) letter c, Article 13 paragraph (1) letter e and Article 13 paragraph (2) letter a of the National Police Regulation (Perkap) Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Ethics Code of the Police Professional.

In the criminal law process, Inspector General Napoleon was found guilty of bribery in the red notice case Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra alias Djoko Tjandra. Thus, he was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison. In addition, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte was also convicted in the case of persecution against Muhammad Kosman alias M Kace. The former Head of Hubinter was sentenced to 5 months and 15 days in prison.

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