
JAKARTA - Iran has re-launched its newest weapons system main tool, a drone that has twice the operational and power range of its predecessor on Tuesday.

The launch was carried out directly by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, while visiting the exhibition of the latest defense products on Defense Industrial Day, as quoted by Iran's Presidential Site on August 22.

Dubbed Mohajer 10, this drone has a flying capability of up to 24 hours and a height of 7,000 meters, this drone has an operational range of up to 2,000 kilometers. The total drone has a fuel capacity of 450 liters and a maximum load of 300 kilograms.

Drones with a maximum speed of 210 km/hour have the ability to carry various types of ammunition and bombs such as Ghaem, Almas to Destvaeh. These drones are also equipped with electronic warfare devices and intelligence systems.

The Mohajer 10 drone is claimed to have twice the capability of its predecessor, Mohajer 6. US officials accuse Iran of providing Mohajer 6 and other drones for Russia to fight in Ukraine. This allegation was denied by Tehran, as reported by Reuters.

The US has reportedly encouraged Iran to halt arms sales to Moscow, as part of a discussion on a broader unwritten understanding between Washington and Tehran to reduce tensions.

Washington also wants Tehran to stop selling the drone parts, according to a Financial Times report earlier this month, citing an Iranian official and another source with knowledge of this.

Along with the launch of Mohajer 10, President Reiisi also inaugurated the use of Khorramshahr and Haj Qasem strategic missiles for the country's armed forces.

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