
BANDA ACEH - The Southeast Aceh Regency Government (Pemkab) said 746 hectares of rice land and 119 hectares of corn land in the area failed to grow due to flooding that hit the local area in recent days.

"Padi di daerah kita ini memang banyak baru ditanam, maize juga demikian. Jadi gagal tanam karena banjir ini," kata Kepala Diskominfo Aceh Tenggara Zul Fahmy dikutip ANTARA, Rabu, 23 Agustus.

Zul Fahmy explained that 746 hectares of rice land that failed to grow due to the flood were spread over nine sub-districts. Meanwhile, 119 hectares of corn that failed to grow were spread across five sub-districts.

For this reason, he continued, Acting Regent of Southeast Aceh Syakir had written to the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo on Monday (21/8) to ask for assistance with rice and corn seeds, as well as agricultural tools and machinery (alsintan).

The Southeast Aceh Regency Government asked as many as 18,650 kilograms of rice seeds to be distributed to nine affected sub-districts, which were distributed according to the needs of each sub-district. In addition, his party also asked for the assistance of 3,730 liters of liquid organic fertilizer for rice.

"We also need alsintan in the form of a hand tractor for rice land processing that has been damaged by mud and other materials. So we ask for 16 hand tractors," he said.

His party also requested the assistance of 1,785 kilograms of corn seeds for five sub-districts and 595 liters of liquid organic fertilizer as much as 595 liters and two hand tractors to process damaged corn fields.

Until now, the condition of 10 sub-districts affected by flooding in Southeast Aceh has been conducive. The water that inundated people's houses has dried up and the volume of water in several locations has decreased.

"The Southeast Aceh BPBD is also being and has cleaned houses of worship, schools, houses of residents, which are flooded with mud that has become stockpiled land," he said.

Previously, the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) reported that flooding in Southeast Aceh had occurred since Thursday (17/8) which spread to 10 sub-districts triggered by high rainfall intensity.

The affected areas include 23 gampongs (villages) in Bambel District, six gampongs in Lawe Sumur, five gampongs in Semadam, and eight gampongs in Bukit Tusam District.

Furthermore, Lawe Bulan District has five gampongs, Babussalam three gampongs, Tanoh Alas two gampongs, Lawe Sigala-Gala four gampongs, Lawe Alas two gampongs, and one gampong in Babul Rahmah District. The victims affected by the incident reached 8,101 people in 2,230 families (KK) spread across 59 villages in 10 sub-districts in Southeast Aceh.

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