JAKARTA - Director of Hajj Development of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Arsad Hidayat stated that Hajj guides must understand the real conditions and problems that will be faced by pilgrims in the Holy Land.
"Certification is not just a theory. Participants are really given a practical understanding so that they can explain the complete nature of the pilgrimage to the congregation, including real conditions and problems in Makkah and Medina," Arsad said in his statement, Friday, August 18, quoted by Antara.
Currently, the Ministry of Religion is holding a professional Hajj management certification which is attended by hundreds of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the state institution.
Arsad said the certification of the Hajj manasik guide was not only filled with classical meetings and presentation sessions that were cognitive, but strengthened by field practices. The goal, he said, is for worship guides to really understand the process of hajj rituals, both aspects of theory and practice.
"More than that, the guide also provides understanding to the congregation regarding the dynamics in the field," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
The chairman of the Manasik Committee, Arif Rahman, explained that the certification lasted five days. After three days of classics, participants in professional Hajj guidance certification carry out field practices.
"The 100 participants in the professional Hajj supervisor certification carried out the practice of Hajj rituals at the Al Jabar Mosque in Bandung," he said.
The participants, he said, were dispatched from the hotel at 04.00 WIB to the Al Jabar Mosque. They are required to use ihram perfectly.
After the Fajr prayer, he continued, they entered the Prophet's Gallery on the ground floor of the Al-Jabar Mosque to witness the Prophet's struggle prologue and the miniaturation of the location where the Prophet performed Islamic symbols.
At around 07.00 WIB, said Arif, the participants listened to the explanation of the scenario for the implementation of Manasik conveyed by KH Adam Anhari.
After that, like Hajj pilgrims, certification participants formed a group structure by grouping participants per team and group, and each chaired by the Chair of the Ragu or the Chair of the group.
"In addition to theoretical materials, certification participants are also equipped with the practice and rehearsal of the post. This is intended so that participants can understand the real conditions of the field with all their problems," he said.
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