
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, attended the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) ceremony at the Merdeka Palace. Puan invites all people and elements of the nation to create harmony towards a more advanced Indonesia.

The RI 78th Anniversary ceremony at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, was led by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Apart from being attended by state officials and figures, the ceremony was also attended by people from various layers wearing traditional clothes.

Puan was present wearing traditional Salu clothes from Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi, black with gold yellow ornaments and decorations. Puan's elegant appearance is equipped with a 5-sunting accessory on her bun.

"More than seven decades of independence is not the ultimate goal," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR said that Indonesia's independence was a long journey in realizing the nation's ideals in the midst of global challenges and changes. For this reason, Puan invites all Indonesian people to continue to be enthusiastic.

"The spirit of being together in continuing the struggle and development of the nation and collaborating, moving in harmony towards a more advanced Indonesia," he said.

Puan added, independence is the greatest gift that becomes a bridge in reviving the hopes of the nation and state to continue to strengthen national unity and integrity. "By interpreting independence, the DPR is committed to continuing to move forward, maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia," said Puan.

Puan said the DPR will continue to oversee the Government's policies to ensure that the Indonesian people enjoy true independence. Puan assessed that there are still various challenges that must be faced by working together.

"If in the past we had to fight for independence from the invaders, today our struggle is to ensure that all Indonesian people can prosper independently," he said.

"The state must be able to provide independence for its people so that they can live properly, be independent in work, be independent to pursue education, be independent to live a healthy, independent life in their work, and be independent to speak up. Of course, by upholding the norms adopted by the Indonesian nation," continued Puan.

Not only that, the Indonesian people are also said to be able to feel independence in justice. Including, said Puan, independence to determine Indonesia's future leaders.

"To create independence in all fields, it also requires participation from the people. So let us work together to practice Pancasila as the leader of this nation, ensure that Indonesia will always be great. Good first, now, and in the future," he explained.

In particular, Puan hopes that Indonesia at its 78th age can bring complete independence to women and children. Although currently the space for the participation of the role of women is increasingly open, there are still many problems that need to be addressed.

"We hope that women and children can feel true independence in Indonesia. Because women play a very important role in the progress of national development, and children are the foundation of our hope for Indonesia's future," said Puan.

"A true independence means providing equal opportunities for children and women to work and contribute in various fields, including economy and social," he added.

Puan also hopes that the State can ensure that women and children can be free from threats of violence, including sexual violence that still occurs a lot. For this reason, protection for women and children must be maximized.

"Because all women are great, whatever their choice. Both housewives and mothers work, everyone can work in their own way. And all Indonesian children are superior children of the nation's pride if they can get the opportunity to get good growth and development," explained Puan.

On the other hand, Puan also highlighted the importance of support for young people. In this digital era and globalization, the role of young people must be further strengthened in all fields.

"It is our job together to ensure that the voices of young people are heard, their work is appreciated, and their contribution is appreciated. Young Indonesians have many achievements, so it is very important for us to support them so that Indonesia is more famous or bigger," he said.

Puan hopes that the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia can be a momentum for all Indonesian people to be more united in maintaining Indonesia's integrity.

"Let's make this independence a foothold to realize noble ideals, create a more advanced, just, prosperous, and prosperous Indonesia," said Puan.

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