
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, invites the entire community to welcome the commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. He also asked all parties to strengthen the role of women in filling the nation's independence.

This statement was made by Puan when delivering a speech at the Plenary Session of the Opening of the First Session of the DPR RI for the 2023-2024 Session which was held at the Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday 16 August. The DPR Plenary Session was also attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'aruf Amin.

"The figure, dated August 17, 2023, is 78 years of the Proclamation Day of Indonesian Independence. It is the life of the Indonesian people who are independent, which is described by President Soekarno, the proclaimer of the Indonesian nation," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives then quoted Bung Karno's statement that the life of the Indonesian people of independence is when the people are satisfied with clothing and food needs. Then, said Puan, the country is a place to take shelter for its people when it rains or is hot.

"In this society, it is very easy for us to breathe fresh air from high culture. In this society, we will live happily according to the ideals of our parents in the past, the peace system rahardja," continued Bung Karno's grandson quoting his grandfather's statement.

Memaknai peringatan HUT Kemerdekaan RI, Puan berbicara mengenai berbagai capaian hebat yang telah digapai oleh bangsa dan negara di mana Indonesia termasuk dalam 20 negara terbesar perekonomiannya di dunia. Indonesia pun masuk dalam kategori negara upper-midle income.

In addition, Indonesia has gradually reduced poverty and social inequality and has reliable Human Resources (HR) in various fields.

"We have an outstanding young generation and various other advances that we have achieved a lot. However, we still need to continue to do so that we can accelerate Indonesia's progress," said Puan.

In filling Indonesia's independence, Puan assessed that the space for the participation of the role of women in all fields is increasingly open. This is considered as progress based on awareness of human dignity and appreciation.

"However, women are still facing various obstacles that can come from social, cultural, economic and political life. Therefore, various efforts are still needed to strengthen the role of women in filling the independence of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.

"Women must also have the spirit to care for each other and support the progress of Women. Because the future and progress of women are determined by women themselves," added Puan.

Hearing the statement about the issue of women's empowerment from Puan, the DPR Plenary Session room was touched by the lively applause from members of parliament, especially women's House of Representatives members.

Furthermore, Puan reminded the public about the hard work of the freedom fighters to the current generation in placing, compiling, and compacting each component of the best work of the nation's children to become a house building' of the Indonesian nationality based on the foundation of Pancasila.

Puan said that this work is a job that requires the unity of the people in the spirit of mutual cooperation. Therefore, he invites all the nation's children to always be introspective of those who can destroy the unity of the Indonesian people.

"We don't want any parties to destroy the work of the nation's children in building Indonesian national houses," he said.

Puan added, only Pancasila can unite the Indonesian people. Pancasila is also said to be the basis of Eid, ideology of the nation and state.

"Pancasila is not a religion, but is the trust of the Indonesian people in the struggle and joint effort as an Indonesian nation to achieve the ideals of independence," said Puan.

"The independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous Indonesian state cannot be implemented, only with demands or with words or with anger," he continued.

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