
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo advised village heads (Kades) in Magelang to always work optimally to serve the community. They are also asked to always maintain their integrity.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when saying goodbye to village heads, sub-district heads and sub-district heads throughout Magelang Regency at a discussion event held at the Magelang Pendopo, Central Java. He reminded that good programs must be continued.

“Keep serving the community, maintain your integrity and good work, friends. "Hopefully the governor and deputy governor of Central Java who will replace me and Gus Yasin will be better and more able to advance Central Java," said Ganjar, Tuesday, August 15.

A number of village heads who took part in this activity found it difficult to let go of Ganjar, who is retiring next September. Because he is considered dedicated and different from other regional leaders.

One of those who felt sad about Ganjar's departure was the Head of Kaliangkrik Village, Magelang, namely Nida Alhusna. He considered the white-haired figure to be a visionary person

"Mr. Ganjar is different from other regional leaders. He is a visionary leader, has a clear and progressive vision and mission and always emphasizes innovation. "Central Java has lost a visionary leader," said Nida.

Even though the PDIP politician wants to return to leading Central Java, Nida said that of course he couldn't. So, he is sure that Ganjar will serve him wherever he is.

"So if I could fill up (bargain), I'd like to still have Mr. Ganjar. But I can't, because it's hindered by regulations. But I'm sure, Mr. Ganjar will continue to serve the community," he said.


Seloboro Salam Village Head, Sulistiyanto also found it difficult to let go of Ganjar. According to him, Ganjar is a person who quickly solves problems, making him comfortable to work with.

"For example, if there is a report from residents that their house is unfit for habitation, report it to Mr. Ganjar and immediately repair it," he said.

Apart from that, the infrastructure development program is also felt in the villages. Village, district, and provincial roads are all good.

"If there is a damaged road, it will be reported quickly. So it's nice to have a leader who is fast and always present for the people," concluded Sulistiyono.

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