
JAKARTA - Continuing Hansaplast's commitment to successfully conducting education about first aid on wounds since 2015, this year Hansaplast has again held a series of educational activities to various elementary schools together with SehatQ to raise awareness of the importance of knowledge in First Aid on Luka.

Citing the International Federation of the Red Cross, millions of people suffer minor injuries each year. The first right one is the main key to preventing possible infections or complications that could have a bad impact.

This is the background of Beiersdorf, as the company that houses the Hansaplast brand to continue educating 200,000 children around the world about the importance of first aid and wound care until the end of 2025.

The Indonesian Hansaplast team, in the 'Siaga Hansaplast' program, itself has contributed to providing education about First Aid to school-age children. During 2015-2022, Hansaplast has succeeded in providing education to more than 101,028 children, 81,470 parents, and 2,185 teachers This activity focuses on education on first aid measures for wounds, prevention of infection, as well as ways to protect themselves and others from daily minor injuries, such as fallen wounds, acute injuries, and minor burns.

As a manifestation of his ongoing commitment, in 2023, Hansaplast together with SehatQ again provided education to 50 schools with a target of more than 5,000 children.

Not only education, Hansaplast also conducts socialization through social media so that parents and children can gain knowledge of First Aid in Luka through fun activities such as color competitions, singing with Hansaplast and Hansaplast Indonesia dance and dance competitions.

"Thus, we are also targeting to be able to educate around 50 million people in total through a series of activities on social media Hansapplast," said Senior Brand Manager Hansaplast Indonesia, Yosephine Carolline, in a statement, August 15.

This is Hansaplast's efforts and social commitment to not only creating quality products but also helping improve the quality of life of children and the Indonesian people.

"We are also happy to be able to participate in providing education about First Aid on Wounds that are packaged attractively so that children are not afraid of injuries and so that children can help others in the right way. This event can also build children's character who are not afraid to be wrong and dare to try, and give the best," said Yosephine.

With that provision, Jesada Tanrattanakul as CEO of SehatQ also said that the initiation brought by Hansaplast was an excellent effort to facilitate access to health for anyone, even from an early age.

"Here, SehatQ as the health event organizer, feels proud to be able to join in providing education for school-age children with Hansaplast. This is in accordance with our mission to provide health education that is easily accessible to anyone," he concluded.

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