
The Attorney General's Office is in the communication stage with the leadership to discuss the plan to execute the Supreme Court's decision against the convicts Ferdy Sambo and his friends after receiving a copy of the cassation decision.

The Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, said that a copy of the Supreme Court's decision on Ferdy Sambo's appeal had been received by the South Jakarta Kejari.

"Now it's being studied, it's being planned, and it's being consulted with the leadership when to carry out the execution," Sumedana said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 14.

According to Ketut, the execution was carried out as soon as possible considering that the public prosecutor had one month to carry out the execution after a copy of the Supreme Court's decision was received.

"Yes, if the sooner the better, it's for legal certainty," he said.

Regarding the execution site, said Sumedana, it is also under discussion whether it remains at the Brimob Police Detention Center (Rutan) or is transferred to a correctional facility.

Because, he continued, the execution of prisoners should have been carried out in correctional institutions. However, he has not mentioned which correctional institution Ferdy Sambo was executed.

"Yes, if possible, in a correctional institution. The execution of prisoners is in a correctional institution," he said.

Ketut added that his party would decide the place of execution of Ferdy Sambo this week.

"Yes, we will see where it is (executed) this week. We will convey it to all media," said Sumedana.

Previously, the Supreme Court (MA) decided that the defendant in the premeditated murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, Ferdy Sambo, was sentenced to life imprisonment from the previous death penalty.

In addition, the Supreme Court also eased the decision of the three accused premeditated murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, namely Putri Candrawathi, Ricky Rizal Wibowo, to Strong Ma'ruf.

The Supreme Court has decided that Putri Candrawathi, who is Ferdy Sambo's wife, will be sentenced to ten years in prison from the previous 20 years.

Meanwhile, Ricky Rizal's sentence also became lighter, namely eight years in prison than the previous 13 years.

The sentence of Sambo and Putri's household assistants, Strong Ma'ruf, was also lightened from the previous 15-year prison term, to ten years.

With the Supreme Court's decision issued, the legal process against Ferdy Sambo and his friends already has permanent legal force (inkrah).

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