
The Investment Alert Task Force during the period 2017 to August 5, 2023, has suspended as many as 6,895 unlicensed business activities consisting of online loans (pinjol), crypto assets, investments, and other unlicensed activities in the financial sector.

"Pinjol, which is rife among the community and continues to increase in terms of quantity and/or variety, on its way there are those who abuse it," said Deputy Director of Strategic Management, EPK and Regional Government Partnership of the Regional Financial Services Authority (OJK) Office 6 Sulawesi Maluku and Papua (Sulampua), Bondan Kusuma in Makassar reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 12.

He said the activities of the financial sector includebinary operations, trading robots, crypto assets, andmoney games, which are several modes and illegal financial activities that are currently trending.

In the period 2017 to 2022, public losses due to illegal investment entities and business activities without other permits were estimated at IDR 139.04 trillion. Therefore, steps to block illegal financial product entities continue to be carried out.

In this regard, he reminded that before investing, he always remembers 2L principles, namely Legal and Logical. Legal means checking the licensing status, both legal entities and their products.

While Logis is a fair and risky result. Financial factors greatly affect the economic growth of a country. If sector

finance is growing, so economic growth will be high.

Academics of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Gagaring Pagalung, said that a good level of financial literacy is needed by the community.

"There are at least three main principles in managing money, namely knowing where money flows, revenue must be greater than spending, and investing,"

he said.

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