
Bogor Police have secured a total of 42 suspects for narcotics abuse during the 2023 Lotaya Antiquities Operation.

The operation, which was held for 10 days from July 20 to August 2, 2023, revealed as many as 34 cases of drug abuse of methamphetamine, marijuana, and ecstasy.

The Head of the Bogor Police Ops, Kompol Ashimas Sriyono Putra, revealed that of these cases, the Bogor Police Narcotics Unit arrested 42 suspects with evidence of methamphetamine weighing 134.35 grams, 126.67 grams of marijuana and 12 ecstasy pills.

"The modus operandi of the perpetrators in carrying out their actions is by means of a patch system or storing narcotics somewhere and cash on delivery (COD) with the order," he said at the Bogor Police Headquarters, Tuesday, August 8.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor Police Narcotics Unit, AKP M. Ilham, added that the distribution network of the perpetrators whose parties had secured included the Bogor Regency area.

The suspects consisted of 40 men and 2 women. Most of the motives of the perpetrators were due to economic factors.

"They believe taking drugs can calm down and increase enthusiasm in their activities," he said.

The suspects were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2, Article 114 paragraph 1, Article 112 paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 111 paragraph 1 with a minimum penalty of 4 years, a maximum of 20 years, and a maximum of life or the death penalty.

"From the disclosure that we managed to do during this Antique operation, we managed to save approximately 1.200 people from drug abuse," claims Bogor Police Narcotics Head AKP M. Ilham.

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