
The South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has stopped prosecuting five cases through the application of restorative justice aka restorative justice.

Deputy Head of South Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Ahmad Yani said the effort was carried out after obtaining approval from the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) Fadil Zumhana.

"The results of the exposure with Jampidum with the South Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office and followed by the ranks who handled the case have been approved to stop their prosecution," he said in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, August 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

The five cases that were stopped by the prosecution included the case of car vandalism with the suspect Mustawan being handled at the Banjar District Attorney's Office (Kajari), two traffic accidents, each of which were handled by the Tanah Laut Kejari with the suspect Mulyono and the Tapin District Attorney with the suspect Uskuri.

Furthermore, the suspect Muhammad Rapiani with the persecution case handled by the Balangan Kejari and the suspect M. Safrudin Noor in the theft case handled by the Tapin Kejari.

"The five cases have been terminated because they have met all the requirements in implementing restorative justice guided by the Attorney General's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice," Yani explained.

He said the spirit of restorative justice is a legal problem with small cases that can be resolved outside the court.

With the condition that the suspect is the first time he has committed a criminal act and the threat of punishment is in the form of a fine or imprisonment of no more than five years.

"Everyone is considering the interests of the victims and other protected legal interests so that the peace process can be carried out," Yani added. conveying an appeal to the public to avoid burning the land considering El Nino's condition accompanied by hot weather and low rainfall.

The police chief continued, if there are residents who will burn agricultural land to guide the Regulation of the Governor of North Kalimantan Number 47 of 2018 concerning the Karhutla Control System with a maximum land area of two hectares.

However, this does not apply if the rainfall conditions are below normal or long dry by the Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number 10 of 2010 concerning the mechanism for preventing pollution and/or environmental damage related to forest and/or land fires.

Kapolresta juga meminta masyarakat yang membakar lahan untuk pertanian agar melaporkan kepada Lembaga adat, Ketua Adat, Kepala Desa/Lurah, BPBD Kabupaten atau Provinsi, dan TNI/Polri, atau aparat terdekat terdekat. Perlu juga menyiapkan pencegahan berupa sekat bakar dan peralatan pemadampan api.

"People who see, know that land burning will immediately report to the nearest TNI/Polri, BPBD, or Forestry Service and KPH (National Management Unit)," said the Bulungan Police Chief.

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