
JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta City Government appealed to hundreds of elementary school (SD) 02 students, Gambir, Central Jakarta for the movement to promote eating fish (Germarikan).

"Today hundreds of elementary school students from four sub-districts gathered together to eat fish. We hope that students continue to consume fish because they are very healthy," said Central Jakarta Mayor Dhany Sukma, Thursday, August 3.

Dhany Sukma stated that the purpose of this pollution is so that people want to eat fish, especially children. The reason is that by eating fish can support the health, strength and intelligence of children.

"Eating fish is very healthy, health can prevent heart disease," he said.

Dhany said, the types of fish consumed are like salmon and tilapia. Fish consumption is very good for the body because cholesterol is very small.

"Earlier, the children were very happy to eat fish together. Very excited about them, we hope parents can feed their children fish because it is very good for the body and makes intelligence," he said.

In the same place, Wilson, one of the students, admitted that he also consumes fish quite often at home. He really likes catfish, bloating and other types of fish.

"Mamaku likes to cook fish, and indeed I like eating fish. Even though there are many thorns in fish, I still like it," he said.

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