The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police confiscated 13 kilograms of narcotics of various types from 64 dealers who were arrested during the period May to July 2023.
"The most domestic drugs revealed were 11,468.73 grams of methamphetamine, then 4,235 pills of ecstasy or 1,808 grams of marijuana and the remaining 71.11 grams of marijuana," said Deputy Director of Narcotics at the South Kalimantan Police AKBP bankrupt Saiser in Banjarmasin as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 3.
As for the 64 dealers, consisting of 56 male suspects and eight female suspects.
tipanya mengungkapkan keterlibatan perempuan menjadi perhatian bersama agar tidak ada lagi ahatan dikenyakan perayaan nayu untuk ikut mengeluarkan narkoba.
He said that women are often victims in a situation, so they end up getting involved in the snares of the dealer network.
"Many of the Ironists of the cases that were revealed were actually the closest figures like the husband who helped lead his wife to participate in the distribution," he said.
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All of the confiscated evidence has been destroyed by officers witnessed by the suspects by setting aside a small part for evidence at trial.
tipanya mengatakan pemusnahan barang bukti narkoba menjadi bentuk transparansi dan pertanggungjawab pihaknya agar jangan sampai disalahkan oleh oknum sebagaimana perintah Undang-Undang RI No. 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika.
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