
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked for the process of learning at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) to continue following Panji Gumilang as a suspect in blasphemy being detained by Bereskrim. Panji is the leader of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

"Earlier, the Chairman of the Advisory Council (Ma'ruf Amin) gave directions that the educational process, which is now underway at Al Zaytun, must continue. The government is expected to take over and also provide guidance in the next process," said Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi at the MUI Jakarta office, Wednesday, August 2, confiscated by Antara.

Amirsyah conveyed this after attending the MUI Advisory Council meeting on the Development of Organizations and Financial and National Issues led by the Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council who is also Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

"Who is the government? Of course what is in accordance with the main duties and responsibilities, in this case is if the general education institution is returned by the Ministry of Education and Culture, if it is religious education and Islamic boarding schools in the Ministry of Religion," added Zainut.

Secretary of the MUI Janderal Amirsyah Tambunan stated that MUI supports the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police who has named Panji Gumilang as a suspect, but the question of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School must continue.

"We ask the Ministry of Religion to provide guidance. So there are two things, the Panji issue is okay, but this is an educational institution, so it must be guided, it is the authority of the Minister of Religion of the Ministry of Religion. Alhamdulillah, MUI has issued a fatwa related to Panji Gumilang, as a mustafti, the applicant for the fatwa is a bareskrim, we have submitted it and the road legal process continues," explained Amirsyah.

Amirsyah also asked calm people not to be provoked by assumptions that are not in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

"Obviously, (religious blasphemy). We have 10 criteria, one of which is the fifth, namely interpreting the Quran as not in accordance with the rules is important, so interpreting the Quran must be in accordance with the rules, there are rules, so you can't carelessly," added Zainut.

Currently, according to Zainut, the sustainability of Panji Gumilang's status is in the hands of the police.

"I think the ball is now in the police and I am sure that the Police as law enforcers will carry out their functions professionally, accountably and fairly, we will wait for the legal process in the police," said Zainut.

Investigators from the Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have late named the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Panji Gumilang as a suspect in the alleged criminal act of blasphemy based on the results of the case title on Tuesday, August 1.

Panji Gumilang has also been examined as a witness on Tuesday from 15.00 to 19.30 WIB. Investigators then continued their investigation as suspects against Panji Gumilang from 21.15 WIB to 01.00 WIB on Wednesday 2 August

The examination was then stopped because of Panji Gumilang's request and continued on Wednesday afternoon.

Panji Gumilang is suspected of violating the provisions of Article 156a and also Article 45a paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE and or Article 14 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.

The head of the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang, is considered to have taught heretical teachings because, among other things, he said that prayers between male and female congregations can be joined in one row, allowing adultery and sin to be redeemed for money, and will establish Christian pesantren. Panji Gumilang also gave a speech by admitting that he was in the form of communism.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has not yet detained Panji Gumilang because his examination as a suspect has not been completed for 1x24 hours.

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