
SIDOARJO - Juanda International Airport Surabayadi Sidoarjo will implement a new flow of domestic flight passenger arrivals at Terminal 1 to provide better service quality to service users.

The previous arrival flow was only in the west of Terminal 1 so that with the new flow, one location will increase on the east side.

"The current condition is that all domestic flights that land at Terminal 1, the arrival area is to the west which serves approximately 110 arrival flights per day operated by 9 airlines. So, we are trying to unravel the arrival area by operating the east side of the T1," explained General Manager of Juanda International Airport Sisyani Jaffar as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 31.

According to Sisyani, this operational policy will begin on August 1, 2023 and be implemented in stages.

"We will start a new flow of arrivals for Garuda Indonesia passengers, with around 7 flights per day," he said.

In this new arrival area, three conveyors have been equipped and there will be additional supporting services such as tenants and land transportation booking counters.

"In the arrival area 1A, 78 parking lots of 4-wheeled vehicles and up zones are also available, so passengers who have arrived or landed can easily get to the pick-up vehicle," he said.

In addition to this readiness, his party has also completed the markings and directions or signs as guides for motorists to go to the east side arrival terminal area.

"On the sign we wrote down the arrival area 1A for the east side and 1B for the west side. The arrival of 1A is what as of August 1 will be operationalized for the arrival of domestic Garuda Indonesia passengers," he said.

Apart from Garuda, it will still be served at 1B or west as it is today.

"We will gradually evaluate and plan that there will be two other airlines that we will move to the 1A arrival area in the east later," said Sisyani.

For information, the arrival area 1A is near the VIP building of the East Java Provincial Government and to the pick-ups carrying four-wheeled vehicles, along with directions to the arrival location 1A:

1. After passing through the airport entrance from the Juanda Toll Road, turn left then straight and follow the sign that reads " VIP Building and Arrival 1A"

2. After that, vehicles from the Juanda toll road and from Sedati will meet a branch area with signs that read "departures" turn right and "Perda - Arrival VIP Building 1A" continue to be straight, follow directions towards Arrival 1A.

3. In the area before radar there will be more clues to turn right towards "Arrival 1A".

4. After that, continue to follow the directions of the "Pick-up Area" until meeting the T-junction after the VIP Building, turn right after the T-junction to the pick-up area.

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