PASAMAN BARAT - West Pasaman Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), arrested three perpetrators of illegal gold mining in Jorong Lubuk Bakar Nagari Muaro Kiawai, Gunung Tuleh District.
West Pasaman Deputy Police Chief Kompol Chairul Ambri Nasution said the three people arrested Andi (29) as operators, Ansori (34) and Nendi (36) played box children.
"We are also hunting for the financiers with the initials JB (45) and initials A (26), R (21) as the field coordinator, J (35) as operators of heavy equipment and M (21) and N (23) as children box," he said at Simpang Empat, Antara, Monday, July 31.
The arrest of the gold mine actor was made on Saturday, July 29 at around 03.00 WIB under the leadership of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Fahrel Haris.
The team found that the perpetrator was mining gold using an excavator type of heavy equipment in the Batang Pasaman River tepu.
"After they were arrested, they admitted that mining activities were ordered and paid by investors with the initials J who is also the owner of heavy equipment and initials A as the field coordinator," he said.
Currently, he said, the suspects have been detained at the West Pasaman Police Headquarters based on LP/A/5/VII/2023-SPKT Res Pasbar dated July 29, 2023.
The three suspects are subject to Article 158 in conjunction with Article 35 of Law No. 4 of 2020 concerning amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning mineral and coal mining, Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 18 of 2013 concerning the prevention and destruction of forests in conjunction with Article 39 of Law number 11 of 2020 concerning the creation of work in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
"The suspect is threatened with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion," he said.
Regarding the financier and field coordinator, the West Pasaman Police will pursue and hunt him down so that he can be held accountable for his actions.
The head of the West Pasaman Police, AKBP Agung Basuki, previously emphasized that he would take firm action against gold mining without a permit in his jurisdiction.
"We will continue to pursue illegal gold mining players. We ask for cooperation and support," he said.
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