SLEMAN - Sleman Regent, Yogyakarta Special Region, Kustini Sri Purnomo said, currently the construction of facilities and infrastructure (sarpras) for Integrated Waste Disposal Sites (TPST) in Kenaji, Tamanmartani, Kalasan, has reached more than 90 percent.
"The construction of the Tamanmartani TPST is a priority program that is being accelerated so that it can operate immediately in 2023," said Kustini in Sleman, Antara, Friday, June 28.
According to him, the Sleman Regency Government is working hard to solve waste problems by taking a number of short and long-term steps.
"One of the long-term steps chosen is by building a TPST in Kenaji, Tamanmartani so that it does not depend on the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA), Bantul," he said.
The construction of the Tamanmartani TPST, which has been started since May 2023, has a budget of IDR 7.4 billion.
"Currently, the construction has reached 90 percent for the initial stage. We ask for the work to be accelerated. In the middle of next month, hopefully it will be finished," he said.
Kustini said the initial construction of the Tamanmartani TPST was carried out by the Department of Public Works, Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPKP) of Sleman Regency including land preparation, construction of taluds, panel fences and access to vehicle entrances.
"As of this week, all work except for access road entry for vehicles has almost been completed," he said.
He said that after the initial phase of construction was completed, the Sleman Regency Environment Agency (DLH) would build and complete facilities and infrastructure for the Tamanmartani TPST.
"After the initial construction is completed, then DLH will work on and complete the facilities and infrastructure for waste processing," he said.
TPST Tamanmartani, he said, will later be equipped with a number of facilities and technology such as weighing posts, incentators, composite machines, press stations, compost storage areas and waste treatment installations.
"This TPST concept is zero waste. Because all the waste here will later be processed into compost for organic and inorganic made into blocks," he said.
The Sleman Regent added that the Tamanmartani TPST is projected to manage 80 tons of waste per day. This amount is expected to reduce the volume burden of waste sent to the Piyungan TPA.
"Hopefully we will be more independent because we have a TPST that can be used for waste processing by ourselves, it doesn't depend on the Piyungan TPA," he said.
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