
The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) stated that the case file for the alleged corruption of family planning operational assistance funds (KB) with a state loss of Rp. 382.7 million was immediately transferred to the court.

Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Aceh Attorney General's Office, Ali Rasab Lubis, said that the case is currently being handled by the public prosecutor of the South Aceh District Attorney (Kejari).

"Currently, the handling of cases is in the filing stage. After the filing is complete, this case will immediately be transferred to the Banda Aceh Corruption Court," said Ali Rasab as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 27.

In this case, South Aceh Kejari investigators named three suspects, namely MY, TS, and BM. MY suspect is a former Head of the South Aceh Regency Family Welfare, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (BKKP3A).

Meanwhile, TS and BM are the former Treasurer and Secretary of the BKKP3A South Aceh Regency. The three of them were charged with alleged corruption in the KB operational assistance fund at the South Aceh Regency BKKP3A for the 2016 fiscal year.

Previously, the Head of the Intelligence Section of the South Aceh Kejari, M Alfryandi Hakim, stated that the total budget for the family's operational assistance planned to reach more than Rp757.4 million.

Based on the audit of the South Aceh District Inspectorate, the state losses incurred in this case reached Rp382.7 million.

"The three of them are suspected of violating Article 2 Paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 as amended into Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption," said Alfryandi.

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