
JABAR - The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) put up a warning banner at the Leuwiranji Bridge, Rumpin, Bogor.

UPT viewer of the VIII DPUPR Regional Road and Bridge in Bogor Regency, Fahria Fitrayana, explained that the banner informed that the bridge could not be crossed by heavy vehicles simultaneously.

The installed banner stretches over the bridge that reads "Traffic heavy vehicles must queue one by one".

"For passing vehicles, there must be queues, because the condition of the bridge has started to cause a lot of damage," said Fahria in Bogor, West Java, Tuesday, July 25, as reported by Antara.

The bridge with a length of about 140 meters and a width of 6 meters is in poor condition. In some parts of the connection, there are no bolts, then there are also steel plates that have started peeling.

According to him, the installation of this warning banner is a temporary effort by the government to anticipate the damage to more severe bridges, while waiting for the DPUPR to budget for repair measures.

"What is clear is that we are only installing signs, and for repairs to the maintenance this year, there is no Leuwiranji Bridge," he said.

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