
YOGYAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo showed a different appearance when he came to the Muharram 1 Gathering event 1445H Volunteers at the Senayan Multipurpose Building on Wednesday 19 July. The PDIP presidential candidate appears to be wearing a black and white striped shirt. This style of dress also raises the question, what does Ganjar Pranowo's white black-line shirt mean?

Ganjar Pranowo revealed that the clothes he wore were designs from President Joko Widodo. The man who is currently the Governor of Central Java said that Jokowi's new draft idea some time ago.

"Until finally he (Jokowi) conveyed a piece of paper to me, 'Pak Ganjar, maybe this is good'," said Ganjar Pranowo.

In the Gathering event which was attended by Ganjar, it was seen that his supporters also wore clothes with similar motifs and colors. So what does Ganjar's white line shirt mean?

Ganjar Pranowo himself explained what the meaning of the black and white line shirt he was wearing. The white-haired man said that the color on his clothes meant confirmation about certainty. He said he would always behave when facing difficult decisions.

"Why black and white? I say that I am not gray. When we act on a difficult decision, which one do you want to choose? Black or white," he concluded.

The meaning of the black and white shirt worn by Ganjar was also conveyed by Teddy Wibisana, the Chief Executive of the Gathering event. Teddy said the color of the shirt symbolizes that it is true and not. This means that the volunteers do not act gray in making choices and providing support.

"The shirt with a black and white line color illustrates that our attitude is not gray, so it is only black and white, what we really support, what is not true is that we do not support," said Teddy Wibisana.

The meaning contained in Ganjar's shirt is not only a matter of color, but also in his motive. Teddy Wibisana said that the upright line motives depicted Ganjar's upright and consistent nature of the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Pancasila.

To support the statement he made, Teddy Wibisana assessed that these attitudes can be seen from Ganjar Pranowo's track record while serving as Governor of Central Java.

"You can see my media friends so far, Mr. Ganjar's track record compared to other candidates, which one is the most consistent," he said.

Jokowi has used clothes or clothes as a political symbol at the DKI Jakarta Pilkada in 2012. At that time, Jokowi, who was paired with Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok), wore a red, black and white plaid shirt.

The identity of the clothes is also still used by Jokowi in the 2014 General Election. When advancing with Jusuf Kalla (JK), he wore a white long-sleeved shirt. The shirt has the meaning of being ready to work, as the tagline he often echoes is 'work, work, and work.'

Such is the review of the meaning of Ganjar Pranowo's white line shirt which is a new sight for the attributes he wears. Whatever is attached and in contact with the presidential candidate is always in the spotlight in the near future of the 2024 presidential election.

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