
The Bandung City Prosecutor's Office deposited Rp14,308,422,469 from the looted corruption cases handled by the state and the West Java Provincial Government.

Head of the Bandung City Prosecutor's Office, Rachmad Vidianto, said that the more than Rp14 billion looted came from three cases that now have permanent legal force from the judicial process.

"In 2023, of course, this is the largest return, which is more than Rp. 14 billion," said Rachmad as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.

According to him, all cases handled by the prosecutor's office were filed at the Bandung District Court. The nominal amount of money deposited is based on a decision that has permanent legal force or inkrah.

Of the total money deposited, Rachmad explained, as much as Rp638 million came from a corruption case with a convict named Tatan Pria. The corruption money from the case was deposited into the treasury of the West Java Provincial Government.

Then as much as Rp. 300 million came from a corruption case with the convict named Salman Alfarisi. Unlike before, the hundreds of millions of money was deposited into the state treasury as Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

Then the Rp13,370,422,469 money came from a corruption case with the convict named Lathopah which was handed over to the state treasury as PNBP.

The tens of billions of money was handed over by the Bandung City Prosecutor's Office in cash wrapped in plastic.

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