
East Java Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto asked all pencak silat universities in the local area to hold a commitment to maintain regional conduciveness during the 1 Suro Night commemoration.

"I appeal to all pencak silat universities in East Java to comply with the commitments that have been built. If there are pencak silat universities that still do not comply with the commitments that have been built by committing violations, the police will not hesitate to take firm action," said the Kapolda in Surabaya as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.

To secure the warning, 1,325 joint personnel were deployed in Operation Safe Suro 2023 which was held on July 18-19 and July 27 and August 3, 2023.

"The implementation of the Safe Suro Operation 2023 is of course aimed at preventing incidents between pencak silat universities in East Java, especially in Madiun," he said.

The East Java Police Chief said that his party would assist the Madiun Police and Madiun City through supervision and monitoring as well as major officials from the Regional Police who went to the location.

"This aims to secure the implementation of activities in Suro Month which starts tonight and then until the 'property' activity or ratification of the increase in the level of pencak silat college," he said.

"Operation Aman Suro guarantees that there will be no incidents that will occur between universities and universities with the community," continued Inspector General Toni.

In addition, in order to anticipate chaos on the streets, the East Java Regional Police will deploy members of the National Police together with the TNI and others and there are posts that have been established that have potential, such as graves that may be visited.

"This operation confirms that if you try to violate the law on the road, then hurt the community, make judgments, the police will take legal steps. As for the convoy, there are already cross-city restrictions," he said.

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