The police arrested four youths suspected of being involved in a brawl on Jalan Pulo Gundul, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. This was conveyed directly by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin.
“ If in the new johar (so early this morning) 4 were secured. The knife (sharp weapon) only found one. That's why it's being investigated,” Kamarudin said when confirmed, Sunday 16 July.
Komarudin also ensured that for the perpetrators who were arrested, they would be subjected to a urine test. The goal is to find out whether the perpetrators consumed drugs or not at the time of the incident.
"We confirm when securing the brawlers, we will definitely have a urine test. (But for Johar Baru) I don't know the results of the urine test yet,” he said.
Previously, it was reported that the brawl between residents of RW 05 and RW 08 on Jalan Pulo Gundul, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta on Sunday, July 16, at 05.30 WIB.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Johar Baru Police, AKP Yossy Januar, confirmed that in the brawl there were no casualties. This happened because his party had succeeded in dissolving the brawl after 10 minutes.
"The brawl started at around 05.30 WIB at 05.40 WIB and was dispersed by the police," Yossy said when confirmed, Sunday, July 16.
Yossy said that his party was still investigating the motive between the residents for the brawl. However, he also admitted that there were frequent brawls in the area.
Therefore, his party will increase patrols in the area again, in order to prevent brawls.
In addition, he will also coordinate with local administrators to help disperse if any of his residents gather so that it is indicated that they have committed a criminal act.
"“While we are still trying to be persuasive, namely moderate-scale patrols at the brawl point, but the number of members is also limited. We still appeal to each RT RW management so that there are no more young people or residents hanging out in the middle of the night,” the lid.
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