MANOKWARI - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the riots, such as those in Dogiyai Regency, Central Papua, would result in delays in development in Papua.
"If there is such a thing, it will disrupt the development and will slow down the emergence of welfare," said the Vice President on the sidelines of a working visit in Manokwari, West Papua, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 15.
The Vice President invited all parties who caused riots to return to the lap of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to build Papua.
"Let's go back to the fold of the Republic of Indonesia, build Papua for indigenous Papuans in particular," he said.
The Vice President conveyed that the government wants to build the welfare of Papua's land in all sectors.
Therefore, special autonomy was created, including the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development in Papua to ensure the budget is right on target.
"Therefore, friends who are still causing chaos should let's go back to the lap (NKRI). Papua is prosperous, the land of Papua is for Papua," he explained.
In order to overcome the riots in Dogiyai, the Papuan Regional Police sent Brimob troops from Nabire Regency to Dogiyai Regency, Central Papua, to help deal with riots in the area.
اقرأ أيضا:
The riots in Dogiyai began when a car containing members of the Cartenz Peace Task Force was about to take one of the officers who was sick with treatment to the Paniai Hospital. The car was then intercepted by an unknown group of residents while passing through Idakebo Village, North Kalimantan District.
When the vehicle stopped, suddenly an unknown group of people attacked by throwing an ax at the car, causing the glass to burst and hit the member in the car.
The group also had time to attack and try to seize the firearms carried by the members so that gunfire and pursuit of the unknown group of people headed towards the mountain.
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