JAKARTA - The Satreskrim of the Sawah Besar Police are hunting down two people involved in a brawl in Sawah Besar, killing RZ (14) a junior high school student.
"We are still chasing two more people, one of whom is a recidivist in a brawl case," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police, AKP Sholeh when confirmed, Tuesday, July 11.
AKP Sholeh said that one of the people being sought was a recidivist with the same case, namely a brawl. The other is a student.
"There are students, one more is a former (recidivist) who only came out two months ago. What we are hunting is one of the executors who slashed the victim RZ," he said.
Previously, a junior high school student with the initials RZ (14) was found dead during a brawl between two groups of teenagers on Jalan Mangga Dua Selatan, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta. The victim died after receiving severe head injuries.
"The victim who died was a student who had just entered (school) junior high school. He was stabbed in the head, thigh and chest," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police, AKP Sholeh when confirmed, Sunday, July 9.
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Then the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police managed to arrest two perpetrators of stabbing the victim RZ (14) who died as a result of a brawl. The two perpetrators are known to have the initials KV and AR, they were arrested in two separate locations.
"We managed to catch KV and AR who were involved in the brawl and killed a junior high school student," he said.
AKP Sholeh said the two were arrested in the Tamansari and Sawah Besar areas. The two perpetrators are students who have dropped out of school and are currently still being investigated.
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