LABUAN BAJO - The Joint SAR Team searched and rescued 17 passengers on the pinisi ship which suffered a broken rudder in the Komodo National Park area of Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.
"The team has been dispatched to the location," said Head of Basarnas Maumere Supriyanto Ridwan as SAR Mission Coordinator from Maumere, Sikka Regency, Antara, Tuesday, July 11.
He explained that the information was obtained from a passenger on a pinisi ship called Dragonet 01 at 10.00 WITA.
The ship was sailing from Padar Island to Komodo Island but experienced a broken rudder on Tuesday at 11.00 WITA.
The Joint SAR Team has gone to the location of the incident using the West Manggarai SAR Post Rigid Inflantble Boat.
اقرأ أيضا:
It is not yet known for certain what condition the passengers on the ship are currently in because the Joint SAR Team is on its way to the point of the incident.
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