
JAKARTA - The founder of the Football Institute, Budi Setiawan, admitted that he was questioned by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police as a witness regarding the maintenance of football in Indonesia.

"I fulfilled the invitation from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters, in the capacity as a witness," said Founder of the Football Institute, Budi Setiawan in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

He explained that the examination lasted for 7.5 hours, from 09.00 WIB to 16.30 WIB. The examination material regarding press conference was carried out on Sunday (25/6) with a context on Indonesian football's concerns.

"I was asked for information about the materials I conveyed, including clarification regarding research and research methods and data validity," he said.

In addition, he was also asked for information regarding Indonesian football in general and competence as well as his track record in the field of football.

According to Budi, the length of the examination was because he had to explain in detail and rigidly, so that there would be no errors in providing information.

"I was interviewed by six investigators alternately in the duration of 7.5 hours. About 30 questions were asked by investigators," he said.

Budi also appreciated the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit for forming a soccer mafia task force team and studying the data held by football institutes.

"This shows the seriousness of the National Police as law enforcers, to work together PSSI to fix the problems of Indonesian football," he emphasized.

One example, related to match fixing/match manufacturing. He also appreciated PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir who had a clear commitment, in realizing clean and dignified Indonesian football.

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