
Defendant Lalu Irham Rafiuddin Anum was sentenced to state compensation in a corruption case in the people's business credit distribution program (KUR) in East Lombok Regency worth Rp29.1 billion.

Then Irham is the Director of CV Agro Biobriket and Briket (ABB) as well as the Treasurer of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)

"Punishing the defendant Lalu Irham Rafiuddin Anum to pay compensation for state losses amounting to Rp29.1 billion," said Chief Justice I Ketut Somanasa at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, Thursday, July 6, confiscated by Antara.

Somanasa said that Lalu Irham was proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption together as in the primary indictment of the public prosecutor (JPU) who demanded a sentence of 14 years in prison.

If Lalu Irham is unable to pay in a period of 1 month from the time the decision has permanent legal force or inkrah, Somanasa explained that the authorities would confiscate and auction off the defendant's property to cover state losses.

"If the defendant's property is not sufficient to replace it, then the defendant is obliged to serve a five-year prison sentence," he said.

The judge explained that the amount of Rp29.1 billion was the remaining reduction in credit repayment money by 14 debtors with a value of Rp476 million, and the money that was still deposited in the debtor's account amounted to Rp7.9 million.

If a sum, he said, the amount of losses that appeared in this case reached Rp29.6 billion according to the results of the NTB BPKP audit which assessed the figure as a total loss from the "relocation" of KUR funds belonging to 779 corn farmers in East Lombok Regency to the account book of PT Mitra Universal Group (MUG) owned by the defendant Lalu Irham.

Regarding the Rp1.4 billion money originating from the 60 debtor insurance claim, according to the judge, there is no need to be included in reducing the replacement money because the money is considered state money that does not need to come out of the distribution of problematic KUR funds.

"In fact, the credit is problematic so it doesn't deserve insurance, because if it is reduced it will increase profits. So that the Rp1.4 billion money is PT Askrindo's business with PT BNI Mataram Branch," he said.

The judge determined the punishment for paying the replacement money by stating that the defendant's actions were proven guilty of violating the primary indictment which regulates Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

In addition to criminal penalties, the judge imposed a fine of Rp. 650 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison.

The thing that aggravates the criminal decision is state losses which arise worth Rp29.6 billion. The judge stated that the nominal loss that appeared was in the heavy category.

"From the aspect of the error, the defendant in this project has a significant role as the conceptor. The defendant is also the treasurer of HKTI NTB who does not carry out obligations in the distribution of KUR funds," he said.

The defendant has also negatively engineered credit disbursement through two of his companies, namely CV Agro Biobriket and Briket (ABB) and PT MUG, without thinking about the impact of harming farmers in the midst of the government's efforts to recover the economy during the COVID-19 disaster.

"That as a result of the defendant's actions, 779 debtors from corn farmers in East Lombok Regency were blacklisted as banking, which resulted in them not being able to use banking facilities," said Somanasa.

The KUR fund distribution program will take place in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. It was recorded that there were 789 farmers who entered as debtors. The total budget disbursed is IDR 29.95 billion.

In details, 779 debtors came from corn farmers in Pemongkong Village, Sekaroh Village, Seriwe Village, Ekas Buana Village and Kwang Rundun Village in Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency with a KUR value of Rp29.6 billion.

Then, 10 debtors from tobacco farmers in Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency with KUR worth IDR 345 million.

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