
ACEH - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Aceh Regency said that at least seven villages in the three sub-districts were flooded, with water levels between 20 and 50 centimeters.

"Currently we are still collecting data at flood locations," said the Coordinator of the West Aceh BPBD Operations Control Center (Pusdalops), Mashuri, in Meulaboh, West Aceh, Aceh Province, Saturday, July 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

There are also villages that are currently still flooded, namely Pasi Leuhan Village, Johan Pahlawan District, Pasi Masjid Village and West Ranto Panyang, Meureubo District.

Then, the flood also submerged four other villages in Kaway XVI District, West Aceh Regency, namely Alue Tampak Village, Meunasah Buloh, Padang Mancang, and Gampong Masjid.

Mashuri said that although seven villages had been hit by floods, as of Saturday night no people had been reported to have fled.

According to him, the flood inundation that occurred in a number of villages in West Aceh Regency was caused by heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, since June 30, 2023, causing the Krueng Meureubo river to overflow and then water reminiscing local settlements.

"Until now the water has not subsided, we are still trying to deploy personnel to the location to carry out monitoring and help the community," said Mashuri.

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