
The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, continues to strive to build the image of his area as the City of Tolerance. The hope is that the new image can provide comfort to the community.

Gibran said there were many bad ideas about Solo in the past. "We want to change that," he said at the Nationalism Seminar on the Hazard Management of Future Radicalism and the Success of the Solo Tolerance Movement Against Creative Economic Progress at the Az-Zayadyy Solo Islamic Boarding School, Saturday, July 1.

"Alhamdulillah, if in Solo there is a lot of support from the Chief of Police, Mr. Dandim, from our teacher Gus Karim (the founder of the Az-Zayadiy Abdul Karim)," he continued. He said, when he was the first moment he served as Mayor in 2019, Solo occupied the 9th position as the most tolerant city in Indonesia. "Now we are in number 4 of the most tolerant cities," said Gibran. "Now we are in charge of Tebunginireng Islamic Boarding School, KH Abdul Halim Mahfudz, said that it had happened since the Dutch era." Even Hadratus Syairatus (founder of Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School Hadhuratus Syaikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari) at that time was quite frontal in dealing with new streams," he said.

Regarding radicalism, he said, as long as ukhuwah is built, radicalism will be eliminated by itself. "It will stop alone. Even (the notion of radicalism) at that time (threats of KH Hasyim Asy'ari) was heavier," said Gibran. He said Tebuireng has also continued to actively expand syi'ar, support each other, and remind each other. "You have to work together with each other," said President Jokowi's eldest son.

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