
SULTENG - Polda Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) has raised the status of 15 cases of trafficking in persons (TPPO) to the investigation stage.

"Currently, the development of 12 cases has entered the investigation stage, and then 15 cases have been raised to the investigation stage," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police Kombes Pol Djoko Wienartono in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Friday, June 23, quoted by Antara. He explained, recorded from 5-22 June 2023, the TPPO TPPO Central Sulawesi has handled 27 police reports, and secured 20 suspects." Various modes were carried out by the suspect to ensnare the victims by providing lure of high salaries and so on," he said. Djoko revealed, from these crimes 13 cases the victim was employed as a commercial sex worker (PSK), then Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) eight cases and the exploitation of children six cases. One of the victims who were made prostitutes was revealed in one of the lodgings in Kelurahan Baru, Baolan District on Thursday 22 June. In the disclosure of the Tolitoli Police, the victim was traded at a rate of Rp. 500 thousand. He continued, another case related to PMI revealed by the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Ditreskrimum on Wednesday 20 June with details of four victims from Sigi Regency. "The victim was promised to work as a household assistant in Saudi Arabia, they were accommodated in one of the places in Sukabumi, the victim was not given training and briefing. After working in Saudi Arabia they did not comply with the previous agreement," he said.

Sedangkan kasus TPPO lainnya juga meliputi eksploitasi anak yang diungkap Polres Buol di Kelurahan Leok II, Kecamatan Biau pada Selasa 19 Juni."Dari kasus eksploitasi ada empat korban PSK, tiga diantaranya masih berusia belasan tahun," ujarnya.Lebih lanjut di jelaskannya, dari puluhan kasus yang ditangani Satgas TPPO Polda Sulteng dan Polres jajaran telah menyelamatkan korban sebanyak 50 orang.Dari puluhan korban tersebut, terdapat 41 korban perempuan dewasa dan sembilan anak perempuan.Penanganan tidak kejahatan tersebut, Polda Sulteng dan polres jajaran telah komitmen mengungkap dan menindak TPPO di wilayah hukum Sulteng.

He also appealed to the public not to be easily tempted by job offers with the lure of high salaries, both at home and abroad.

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