JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri said the perpetrators of the methamphetamine factory in the Vittoria Apartment, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, were the same network as the kitchen lab case revealed at the Casa Grande Apartment, Casablanka, South Jakarta. They are controlled by the Iranian network. "One network, for the Casablanca and this is a network," said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 Dittipidnarkoba Bareskrim Polri, Kombes Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak to reporters, Friday, June 23. The two cases are said to be still one network because they use the same mode. Then, it is strengthened by the intelligence data that has been pocketed, including the statements of the suspects. Then, the connection of the two cases is also about the role of Mr.X who is now being hunted. Because, the temporary results of his investigation are the controller of the crystal methamphetamine factory in the Vittoria Apartment and also have a role in the kitchen case in the Casa Grande Apartment. "If the DPO X is clear, he is the one who arranged everything here, at this crime scene. But there is a connection between DPO X, we are clear intelligence results and investigation related to Casablanca, there is. But we cannot convey it yet," said Calvjin. In the case of the methamphetamine factory in the Vittoria Apartment, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, the police named two people with the initials RP and HR as suspects.
اقرأ أيضا:
From the disclosure, the confiscated evidence was crystal methamphetamine ready for distribution, 12.36 kilograms of methamphetamine raw materials were stored in contenters, 2,500 ml of Astanom, precussors and equipment for producing other methamphetamine. Meanwhile, in the kitchen lab case with two Iranian citizens (WN) with the initials MHD (35) and AK (25). In this case, the mode used is to pack methamphetamine produced into ceramics.
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